A. G. Sekisov — Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Transbaikal State University, Chita, Russia

Artur G. Sekisov 

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor.

Date of birth: May 26, 1958.

Education: Moscow Geological Exploration Institute, speciality: Underground Mineral Mining Technology and Integrated Mechanization.

Academic degrees and ranks: Doctor of Engineering Sciences (2004), Professor at the Management Department of the Transbaikal State University. 

Areas of research interests and expertise: Expert in the sphere of mining geology and physicochemical geotechnology. He coordinates activities of the Chita Division and the Mineral Dressing and Technological Ecology Laboratory of the Institute of Mining, as well as the Mineral Processing Department of the Transbaikal State University in the field of development and improvement of methods for in-situ physicochemical recovery of metals from ore bodies and placers, as well as for processing of rebellious ore and mining waste. 

Research guidance: Prepared one doctor and four candidates of sciences. 

Dissertation councils and editorial boards: Member of editorial board at the Journal Vestnik ZabGU (Russian for Transbaikal State University Bulletin). Member of the Higher Attestation Commission, manager of a number of students’ diploma projects.

Publications: Author and co-author of 8 and 125 scientific publications, respectively, including 5 monographs and 78 patents. Over the last 5 years, he published 30 scientific papers, including 4 monographs. 

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