Extension of operational life of ball valves in piston and plunger pumps

The article addresses extension of operational life of piston and plunger pumps by means of design development of ball-type intake and forcing valves. The study focuses on horizontal and vertical plunger-type pumps fitted with ball-type intake and forcing valves. Design of the valve units of series-produced pumps is examined in detail, and it is proposed to improve the valve design by making the valve ball rotatable in opening and closing. The standard-design ball valve is composed of a body, a seat and a shutoff ball. In opening of the valve, the ball is lifted by the intake flow; in the valve closing, the ball moves down and sits down on the seat. The upward travel of the ball is limited by the body structure. Geometries of the ball valve components are governed by the technical parameters of the pump, such as feed, pressure, etc. During operation of the ball valve, the shutoff ball always puts the same face on the seat and the ball–seat interface wears down. As a consequence, the loss of hydraulic soundness grows extensively during operation of the valve and, finally, leads to the requirement to replace the valve unit of the pump. Aiming to extend the repair interval for the ball–seat assembly, the proposed engineering solution consists in making the ball rotatable around its axis during opening of the valve so that the ball puts its different face on the seat every time of seating. Rotation of the intake ball valve in opening, i.e. in upward travel of the ball, is ensured by installation of a plate on the internal surface of the seat. The plate provides deviation of the fluid flow from the central axis of the valve. Owing to the fluid flow swirling, the ball flow-around becomes nonuniform. As a result, the ball is forced to rotate in upward motion both relative to the horizontal and vertical axes of symmetry. As a consequence, in every seating, the ball puts different face on the seat, is pressed to the seat by the valve fluid and shuts the valve off. This engineering solution is aimed to extent the repair interval in operational life of pumps.

Keywords: horizontal and vertical piston (plunger) valve, intake valve, forcing valve, ball valve, bottom-hole pump, pump repair.
For citation:

Zaurbekov S. A., Akanova G. K., Balgayev D. Y., Zaurbekov K. S. Extension of operational life of ball valves in piston and plunger pumps. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2021;(7):165-175. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2021_7_0_165.

Issue number: 7
Year: 2021
Page number: 165-175
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 622.276
DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2021_7_0_165
Article receipt date: 07.09.2020
Date of review receipt: 17.12.2020
Date of the editorial board′s decision on the article′s publishing: 10.06.2021
About authors:

S.A. Zaurbekov1, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assistant Professor, Professor,
G.K. Akanova1, PhD Doctoral Student, Researcher,
D.Y. Balgayev1, Lecturer, e-mail: dos_mjk@mail.ru,
K.S. Zaurbekov1, PhD Doctoral Student, Researcher,
1 Institute of Metallurgy and Industrial Engineering, Satbayev University, 050013, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.


For contacts:

D.Y. Balgayev, e-mail: dos_mjk@mail.ru.


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