Allowable occupational injury risk assessment in coal mining industry

Authors: Kabanov E I

The article focuses on the assessment of allowable occupational risk using the riskoriented approach to safety in coal mines. The author has analyzed the prevailing practice of application of the allowable risk factors and proposed the assessment method of allowable occupational risk using the developed computation model. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the origination of an economic mathematical model which includes the dependence of the allowable occupational risk on the key economic factors—the profit margin and the social and economic damage because of industrial accidents. With this method and using 2020 statistics, the author has evaluated the allowable occupation fatal injury risk for coal mines. The practical relevance of the research consists in the building of an algorithm for calculating valid indicators of the allowable occupational risk. The use of these indicators can improve the quality of occupational risk assessment and enhance the objectiveness of managerial decisionmaking in coal mining. The approach is tested as a comparative case-study of the calculated allowable occupational fatal injury risk and the actual data on injured mine personnel over the period of 2016–2021. It is shown that the allowable occupational risk level is exceeded by many times because of some sources of hazard. The sources of hazard are ranked with respect to the urgency level of additional arrangements aimed to improve safety.

Keywords: risk-oriented approach, risk management, occupational risk, allowable risk, occupational safety, industrial safety, coal mining industry, open pit coal mining, underground coal mining.
For citation:

Kabanov E. I. Allowable occupational injury risk assessment in coal mining industry. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2022;(5):167-180. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236_ 1493_2022_5_0_167.


The study was carried out and supported under the state contract in the sphere of science in 2021, Contract No. FSRW-2020-0014.


Issue number: 5
Year: 2022
Page number: 167-180
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 331.461
DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2022_5_0_167
Article receipt date: 10.03.2022
Date of review receipt: 17.03.2022
Date of the editorial board′s decision on the article′s publishing: 10.04.2022
About authors:

E.I. Kabanov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Saint Petersburg Mining University, 199106, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7580-9099.


For contacts:

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