Ore saturation with process solutions in in-situ and heap leaching

The article presents the estimation method for the rate of ore saturation with leaching solution to be used at the mine planning and design stage. One of the known factors to influence efficiency of useful component leaching is the velocity and behavior of the agent solution flow in ore. The abundant lab-scale tests used more than 300 samples of lithological and facial varieties sampled on three producing horizons in order to reveal their saturation rates. The tests allowed determining the geotechnical parameter of the flow velocity change versus the flow permeation depth and having the dimension of water perviousness. Furthermore, it is proved that this parameters changes with changing permeability. It is shown that permeability of lithological varieties of rocks at a certain local depth of permeation of leaching solutions has weaker influence on rock saturation rate with the leaching agent than the forces of capillary pressure. The solution flow velocities are calculated as functions of local depth of the leaching agent permeation for lithological varieties of producing horizons in specific occurrence conditions—from finely grained glauconite sandstone to weathered zone of crystalline basement. The calculation results are meant for the prediction of the solution permeation times in perpendicular and in parallel to bedding.

Keywords: in-situ leaching, heap leaching, saturation depth, leaching solution, moisture (solution) flow, permeability factor, moisture permeability, filtration gradient, hydrodynamic parameter, lithology, variety.
For citation:

Markelov S. V., Drobadenko V. P., Vilmis A. L., Salakhov I. N. Ore saturation with process solutions in in-situ and heap leaching. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2021;(3-1):307—317. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2021_31_0_307.

Issue number: 3
Year: 2021
Page number: 307-317
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 622.277
DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2021_31_0_307
Article receipt date: 13.10.2020
Date of review receipt: 03.02.2021
Date of the editorial board′s decision on the article′s publishing: 10.02.2021
About authors:

Markelov S. V.1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of department geotechnological methods and physical processes of mining operations;
Drobadenko V. P.1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of department geotechnological methods and physical processes of mining operations;
Vilmis A. L.1, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), associate Professor of department geotechnological methods and physical processes of mining operations;
Salakhov I. N.1, post-graduate student of department geotechnological methods and physical processes of mining operations;
1 Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting, Moscow, Russia.


For contacts:

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