Parameters of flow charts for hydraulic backhoe excavation of sand-and-gravel deposits

Authors: Loginov EV, Volf V.V.

The article analyzes some parameters of flow charts for cutting dry sand-and-gavel deposits using hydraulic backhoes. Hydraulic backhoes range widely in terms of their bucket capacity, starting from models with the smallest buckets, which is of particular concern in sandand-gravel quarrying because of small sizes of such quarries and their low productivity. The analysis is carried out for mining systems using modern foreign-manufacture hydraulic backhoes and dump trucks. The key parameters of each flow chart under analysis was the height of the cutting bench at the maximum possible width of cut. The study aimed to prove feasibility of operation of a hydraulic backhoe with top loading of dump trucks when the backhoe was set on a sub-bench. The benefits and disbenefits of this flow chart are identified. In terms of a conditional sand-and-gravel deposit, the efficiency of the flow chart with top loading executed by a hydraulic backhoe set on a sub-bench is determined. The studies are relevant and are of use in planning and actual cutting of sand-and-gravel mixes by hydraulic backhoes.

Keywords: mineral mining, open pit mining, hydraulic backhoe, sand-and-gravel mix, production, bench height, top loading, sub-bench.
For citation:

Loginov E. V., Volf V. V. Parameters of flow charts for hydraulic backhoe excavation of sand-and-gravel deposits. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2022;(8):71-84. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2022_8_0_71.

Issue number: 8
Year: 2022
Page number: 71-84
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 622.33
DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2022_8_0_71
Article receipt date: 25.03.2022
Date of review receipt: 06.05.2022
Date of the editorial board′s decision on the article′s publishing: 10.07.2022
About authors:

E.V. Loginov1, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3965-0839,
V.V. Volf 1, Student, e-mail:,
1 Saint-Petersburg Mining University, 199106, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.


For contacts:

E.V. Loginov, e-mail:


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