Mining geoecology and geotechnologies — conceptualization and evaluation elements

Geoecological approach highlights the multiple links between systems that shows most mines can affect the landscapes only within low geographical scales, usually Geotop or Geofacies level (rank); effects are reduced as extension and with natural potential of evolution, which not justify avoiding or stopping the investments. Therefore, holistic monitoring of landscapes around mining perimeters can provide all information required for assessing the abilities or inabilities produced by investments on the Geographic Environment where are located. Reorganizing the structure of the concept of “Geosystem” and introducing exact boundaries for areas affected by mining, the authors propose a Geoecological Pentagram as a reorganized concept and a semi-quantitative Geoecological method of analysis. The manuscript is addressed to specialists for the purpose of discussing the current state (paradigm) regarding the environmental impact and develops the Geoecological perspective for industrial/mining sector, as a good practice.

Keywords: geoecology, geographic environment, geoecological pentagram.
For citation:

Nicolae Iiaş, Sorin M. Radu, Iulian Offenberg, Victor Arad, Susana Arad. Mining geoecology and geotechnologies — conceptualization and evaluation elements. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2021;(3-1):338—349. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2021_31_0_338.

Issue number: 3
Year: 2021
Page number: 338-349
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 622:504
DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2021_31_0_338
Article receipt date: 23.11.2020
Date of review receipt: 04.02.2021
Date of the editorial board′s decision on the article′s publishing: 10.02.2021
About authors:

Nicolae Iiaş1,2, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor;
Sorin M. Radu1,2, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor;
Iulian Offenberg1,3, associate Professor, Professor;
Victor Arad1,2, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor;
Susana Arad1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor, e-mail:;
1 University of Petroşani, Romania;
2 Academia de Stiinte Tehnice din Romania;
3 DEPOGAZ SA Ploiești, Romania.


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