Hybrid mining involves process solutions which are impossible in open pit or underground mining though these are single instances at the modern stage as the methodological basis of hybrid mine planning and design is absent. One of the positive features of the hybrid mining method is the unified scheme of coal accessing and preparation. Accessing and preparation of a mineral deposit for mining by the hybrid method are the high-order backbone operations and constitute the technical and economic levels of mineral production. The signature of the accessing scheme consists in the multifunctionality of workings which ensure coal extraction using the open pit and underground methods. According to the effectual regulations, the best accessing scheme enables maximum production interaction between the open pit and underground mines within the whole life (or the longest possible period). When selecting sites for accesses to underground mine from open pit, it is required to judge from the safety and conformity of operations, minimization of fustiness, water and energy supply, and the availability of sites to arrange rehandling points. The layout of underground entries should take into account, alongside with the traditional factors, the future advance of the open pit mining front, movement induced in rock mass by open pit and underground mine operations, physicochemical geotechnologies and hydraulic mining. The choice of an accessing variant should be based on the joint analysis of technical (accessing scheme, open pit and underground mining systems, arrangement of accesses, mode of transport, method of hoist, etc.), organizational (construction terms, coordinated schedule charts of mining plans) and economic aspects of cost and income optimization (by changing items in the variants under comparison) with regard to the implementation time.


Feature, accessing, coal deposit, hybrid mining.

Issue number: 7
Year: 2018
UDK: 622.271.326
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2018-7-0-47-53
Authors: Sencus V. V., Abramkin N. I., Sencus Val. V.

About authors: Sencus V.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Manager on Research, Branch of LLC «Sibniiugleobogaschenie», Prokopyevsk, Russia, Abramkin N.I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Mining Institute, National University of Science and Technology «MISiS», 119049, Moscow, Russia, Sencus Val.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Mining Department, LLC «Proektgidrougol-H», Novokuznetsk, Russia.


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